Mission Statement
We Believe in the Holy Trinity

"We, the members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Manasquan, New Jersey, recognize that we are a family of faith.  We are brought together as a family in Holy Baptism and are continually nourished as a family with The Word and Lord's Supper.  We are part of the greater family of the Triune God, from our brothers and sisters in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to our extended family of the universal Christian Church.  The rest of humanity is our neighbor.

As you understand who we are, it is easy to understand what we are about.  As members of the family of faith we are called to be ambassadors for Christ.  Alive in Him through Baptism, we are called to minister to the world in a manner befitting Christ himself.  As members of His Body, The Church, we are called to witness and minister in the world until He comes again in Glory.  Therefore, we seek peace and justice, bring comfort to the bereaved and sick, pray for all those in need, and through our financial resources feed the hungry.  We do all of this not out of our own goodness but in thanksgiving to God for what He has done for us through His grace in Christ the Lord.  Since we can never be like Christ, we are in constant need to be critical of our Reformation, continually seek new and better ways to serve and asking God's forgiveness for those things we do that are not to His glory."